Big Bang

Bambi's Little Web Page

Born Aug 13, 1995

Passed Jan 23, 2007

Best Little Buddy a Man Could Ever Have!

Big Bang
A sleepy Bambi Bambi and Dinki Bambi and Dinki looking at camera Bambi and Dinki profile Bambi and three friends Bambi and four friends

Best experienced with Microsoft Click here for Microsoft.

Best viewed in 800 X 600 with Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
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Web Search Tools

Alta Vista Dogpile Excite NetSearch
InfoSeek Lycos Metacrawler
Northernlight WebCrawler Yahoo

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Neat Places to Visit

Central Cambria School District CIA Financial Aid Page
History of Mathematics InterNet Public Library Math Archives
PA Treasury Page The Children's InterNet The Student Center

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Now that you have seen the useful stuff, I am going to give you a chance to play a game.  In this game you are a chess player on a quest to solve a chess problem.   The only person that can solve it for you is Jerry Hopfer (my brother).  This is only a short game, but I hope you find it interesting.

If you like it, you may download a program that I wrote which will allow you to create a game of your own.  It is a windows program that will let you create the options, the story line, test the game, and then will create the web page for you.  If you like the software - there is payment required.  Don't get worried, the pay I want is not much, just email me to let me know that you used it - that is all that I ask.  (Dr. Joseph P. Karwoski).  You should be viewing this with Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.  If you are using Internet Explorer 3, the options will not size themselves correctly - but the game will still work.

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A Visit with Jerry P. Hopfer

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 Download Web Game v1.0 Click here for the download. Download Web Game v1.0

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This page is the sole product of Dr. Joseph P. Karwoski (revised 3/6/99). Any reproduction of this web page is not allowed without the written permission of the author.

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Suggestions or comments to: Dr. Joseph P. Karwoski at

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