Written by Marion L. Hopfer - Johnstown, PA - Born April 14, 1922 Died April 27, 2005
Depression Era
by Marion L. Hopfer

Everyone took walks. A favorite was the beautiful park that was where the War Memorial is located. A walk through downtown to window shop was another.

Everyone dressed up when they went to town. Women wore hats and gloves. Men wore suits and hats which they always tipped when they spoke to a lady.

Going to the movies was real special. At that time there were seven theaters on Main Street: the State, Cambria, Majestic, Nemo, Park, Strand, and the Ritz. From time-to-time the Cambria, Majestic, and State theaters had celebrities on stage. Gypsy Rose Lee, Al Jolsen, Sally Rand, Faith Bacon to name a few.

The big circus would come to town and have a long, fabulous, breath-taking parade with all the menagerie, clowns, Indians and cowboys, and calliopes and even elephants in long lines with their trunks holding on to the tail of the elephant in front of it.

May was special with a big celebration of May Day at the Point Stadium, also it was children’s day. There were many tall poles standing over the field that when covered with crepe paper streamers of all colors, were called May Poles. Little girls in colorful crepe paper dresses would hold the streamers and sing and dance.